Man lives with his head held up high,
but there will come a time
when he will live with it hung low.
Man has his self
and so he lives raising himself high.
This is not his true Mind,
only his exterior,
and it is what leads to his ruin.
When one is absent of self
he is boundlessly kind
and full of warm-hearted affection.
When someone treats him whole-heartedly,
he, in return, treats that person whole-heartedly.
However if there were a person
who says one thing but means another, one,
in return, would treat him the same way.
He who revels in the show of his self-glory
ends up a disgrace.
But that which is done from the true Mind
is sweeter than the scent of a thousand flowers.
Though one may find it difficult to realize
what living without one’s self means,
he will come to know it in the future.
The world has been a place of hardship,
where the distribution of wealth has been unequal amongst people.
If one were not alert,
the person next to him snatched away what was his;
if one tried to live,
he found himself hungry.
Man’s life
in such a world and in such times has been
a contradiction.
Human life is determined by conditions
whereby their presence is governed by the Universe.
Thus the Universe is the master
and consequently a life ignorant of the Universe’s will
is an untrue life indeed.
You live thinking that life is something you simply live;
you live not knowing your trueness
nor do you know your righteousness.
And so all that remains of life is endless sadness.
Since I have eliminated this lingering mind of mine,
I no longer exist.
When the mind does not exist
it is the one Mind.
To be one means that
everyone and everything live together.