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The Mind is one. 

The Mind is everything. 

Everything exists in the Mind, 

and everything is the Mind.

The mind that has always been absent of attachments 

is the one Mind.

When that Mind stirs 

countless different minds arise therein. 

Such are manifestations of the Mind. 

And it is from within man’s mind 

that those manifestations arise and disappear; 

man’s thoughts are what become his numerous minds

with which he creates numerous things. 

But when seen from the perspective of

the non-existent Mind 

nothing in the world exists.


Man is lost and knows not where he goes,

for he is bound to the life he lives.

Man’s mind is one,

but the reason he does not know this is because

his eyes have their limits 

and because he has his self.

If he were without his self, there would be nothing;

if his self were to exist, everything would exist. 

Man does not know the reason for why 

having one’s self is unrighteous.

What he knows is nothing more than his attachments. 

Thus he does not understand the logic of Truth

nor its will. 

No one can teach you how to understand

the will of Truth, 

not even a saint. 

They cannot teach you how to become a saint,

for they have no wisdom. 

To have wisdom means to have no attachments, 

and in order to have no attachments 

you must eliminate the memory of your thoughts,

which are the entirety of the mind you have. 

Man lives believing that he is his self,

but this idea that he has of himself

is nothing more than the memory he has of living;

he has created a thought-mass of himself

and with it, he lives his life.

It has become his self –

his karma and his habits – 

whereby the life he lives has become his self. 

The life one lives is his karma,

and this karma is what continues to shape his life. 

What is life? 

It is the outcome of the mind one has.

In other words

it is the whole of what one remembers.

All the things that are in his memory are

the attachments of his life, 

which in turn are his karma and habits 

as well as his human mind.


This human mind is made up of 

all the things he remembers and the life he has lived.

If you were to live without thoughts –

if you were to live completely absent of them –

you would live without any hindrances,

nor would you get caught up in anything. 

Listen and etch it deeply in your hearts when I say 

that your human mind is none other than

the things you have come to store in your memory.

From “Nature’s Flow”

Written by Teacher Woo Myung